Today is TEDxCity2.0 Day! A day to celebrate and discuss ideas that will change the future of cities. Seventy cities around the world are joining this global conversation.
Right now I’m watching the livestream (currently Capetown) and am kicking of the TEDxAmsterdam Chapter of TEDxCity2.0 as well.
We’ve chosen to host a full day event with live speakers, videos and workshops. The guests (and participants) are all people who play an active role in thirty projects that are considered for the TEDxAmsterdam Award.
The workshops are meant to help them grow their idea even bigger. Among these ideas are:
- Rossella Ferraro – Integrated Roof Wind Energy System
- Richard van Det & Lisette Stamsnijder – Social Energy
- Andrew McNeil – People Pod
- Eva Gladek – Cleantech Playground
- Rutger de Graaf – Floating Food cities
- Chantal Engelen – Too good to Waste
- Judith Manshanden – The Give Café
- Martine Postma – Repair Café
Keep an eye on our website to stay informed about the progress of the ideas!